an intentful practice
for us, with Earth

hospicing and decomposing ways of acting and perceiving that led to our predicamentenacting a sensorimotor world in service to the flourishing of life

We are heading towards a socio-ecological collapse.Yet, we are complicit in the very processes that are threatening our collective well-being.Earth, and the life on it, will continue to endure with or without humans, like they have done before.But, what will be our place on this earth?Will the dominant worldviews and paradigms of today continue to drown us till our last breath?Or, will we emerge from the re-organisation acting in a way that actualises the living systems we are in?If you want to show up differently, join us in this practice for our collective flourishing, with Earth.


situate: to place in a context

inception: an act, process, or instance of beginning

This is birthed from a self-serving, idiocentric position.I realise that I am showing up in a way that reinforces and propagates the systems and their structures in the production of sustained violence on humanity and the planet.I am frustrated.Yet, in an attempt to act differently, the gravity of the dominant system pulls me back.I sense discomfort, unpleasantness.So, I respond, with a space for sustained phase transition, a space of change to destabilize our current state, a space of self-organisation towards a different coordination.This space is an expression of my skill: of perception, of attunement, of taking action, of fulfilling intentions, of being alive.Welcome.~ Justin


invitations: perceived opportunities for action as afforded by the environment

We are adopting the Broccoli Seed Agreement from the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures collective.The following is the agreement in verbatim:The broccoli seed agreement invites you to consider the following statements:I understand that…

  1. The engagement with the work of the collective may not have any immediate practical application in my context and that is ok.

  2. I do not have to agree with anything presented, but I am happy to see what happens.

  3. I may feel uncomfortable, confused and frustrated through this process and I take responsibility for observing and learning from my conscious and unconscious responses/resistances/fragilities.

  4. It is up to me to decide when to push myself further and when to stop and reflect/observe.


on the horizon: coming in the near future

big net positive: consulting for businesses in phase transition towards a degrowth-aligned future